Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The waiting REALLY is the hardest part...

"84 TBR
37 Maybe
147 rejections"

I submitted a short story for a horror anthology and have been waiting to hear back. The editor of said anthology "The World is Dead" has been kind (cruel?) enough to post status reports, above you see his latest numbers. Professor Paffinroth has also said that he is reading them in order and he has reached 8-25 in the submissions. I sent mine on the 26th so I should know soon if I made the cut or not.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


For the most part I really like my job. About 75% of the time I'm doing OK with it. I particuarlly hate window duty, dealing with junkies and welfare cases and all manner of jerks. I was sick as a dog yesterday and barely got out of bed, I don't feel much better today. But I still got up and went into work to do inventory. I got there a bit before 2 and got right to it as did everybody else. We all then sat around waiting for an hour for the stupid company people to come in and do our counts. They come in do their thing and take the numbers downstairs for crunching. We then wait 2 hours for the numbers to come back... And their all wrong. Every single item had been entered wrong. They come back up redo the counts and spend another 2 hours doing God knows what while we wait.

Long story short I didn't get home til after 10pm. The people working in Central Pharmacy got snacks and sandwiches and we got to wait around. Since I still feel like shit and my baby girl has a fever and can't go to daycare I am not going in tomorrow, so look for more rants on the bailout tomorrow afternoon.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Man is Dead!?

Paul Newman passed away from cancer yesterday. He has long been one of my favorite actors of all time being awesome in everything he touched. I think I have to watch Slapshot now, to get over my depression.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Since the Government is giving stuff away...

I would like to challenge both Obama and McCain to a contest for my vote. Whichever one of them or their staff can score me 3 tickets to AC/DC's Boston show will get my vote. As I don't think that either one of these jokers can do a damned thing to set this country right the least they can do is get me into a concert that I've been dying for.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blurbs 'bout me...

OK, not that I've had my daily outrage per the inital post on to the regular real life (kinda dull huh?) stuff:

Currently reading and enjoying 'The Serial Killers Club' by Jeff Povey. I haven't watched Dexter but my Dad loves that show and it sounds just like this book so I might have to check it out on DVD.

I was reading and mostly enjoying the anthology 'The Living Dead' but needed a break as per my comment on Professor Paffenroth's post even good zombie fiction can get tedious after a while but that's why I like anthologies, you can pick and choose. An added bonus to this is that nobody on the train will bother you if you are reading a book with zombies on the cover, except for maybe other horror fans who want to know if it's any good.

While I'm on books I confess to being a total fool for only recently discovering Glen Cook's Black Company series. These so far are some of the best fantasy books I have read, anybody got a copy of the Glittering Stone? All four books of that cycle are out of print. Tor has recently republished the first 6 books in two volumes, anybody know if and when they're gonna follow up?

Work is stupid some days. I can't give details due to all the privacy laws so I will just say that today was a very stupid day.

Having said that it is now tomorrow and I got to go to work in about 6 hours so good night.


The Taxpayer as an ATM...

First, the article...


This is about the stupidest idea yet. Lets take our tax dollars and give them to the very people who put us in this mess to begin with. It's only about a trillion dollars, what's that between cronies? The past 12 years have done nothing but pump money into these companies while Resident Bush cut the taxes that they were supposed to be putting back into the system, and now they want to act like an ATM machine and spit more money for mismanagement back into the same broken system? Am I the only one who thinks it might be better in the long run to see if Capitalism really works? Did we not fight the Cold War because we couldn't stand the very thought of Socialism? And that's what it really breaks down to, not Corporate Welfare, but Corporate Socialism. I say let 'em fall and let the market correct itself, like it's supposed to.

Maybe it would be in the best interest to bail these creeps out, if we weren't at war. You know that little thing? The 'Mission Accomplished' right? I think that deserves the money just a little bit more. I don't care how 'stable' Iraq is, it's moving back to where it started, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Soviets invaded Afghanistan a few months before I was born but I remember the withdrawal, and I seem to recall that it had something to do with their eventual demise.

Over the past seven years we have been asked to sacrifice a lot. I am not in the military and neither is anybody in my immediate family, but everybody knows somebody who is or has been over in the Middle East. Whether or not you agree with the war you must acknowledge the sacrifices of these men and women and salute their bravery and determination. We as citizens owe these people a debt of care and honor to say the least. How many of them are coming home to foreclosed homes? To broken marriages? How much you want to bet that their medical coverage is one of the first things that starts to suffer because we had to give a $700,000,000,000 (looks a lot different when you actually SEE the zeros doesn't it?) handout to a bunch of creeps who couldn't handle the last batch of billions they had? What have George W. Bush and his ilk sacrificed besides their approval ratings? Besides our Civil Liberties? Besides our greatness? I think it's time that We The People finally let them step up and sacrifice something.

Give the bastards nothing, they've taken enough.
